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Plan to get Norwich churches working together 

As the country goes into lockdown again, Norwich Christian charity ENYP is launching a new initiative, called Operation Zechariah, to help encourage collaborative working together with churches and other organisations across the city.

ENYPnewlogoENYP's Picnic Project regularly feeds thousands of people and provide hundreds of thousands of meals, through the provision of regular fresh food parcels to homes across Norwich and beyond.
Operation Zechariah is already in partnership with several local churches and ENYP Director, Rev Danny Doran-Smith, said: “It’s time to pool resources, work together in unity, and help meet the devastating and increasing needs that families, individuals, and communities face.
“Zechariah 2:1-3 reminds us of a city without walls, Operation Zechariah is demonstrating that the church’s ministry is without walls, not limited by the closure of church buildings, but being able to meet the hidden and visible needs in communities through relationship building, support and the provision of basic essentials to support children, families, and individuals.
“The need and desperation continues to grow and we would love the opportunity to partner together with others to be Church without walls across Norwich and beyond." 
This will include:
1)  Emergency food parcels delivered to homes for families and individuals in need
2)  Missional drop off points in community areas
3)  Partnership working – where food can be delivered to churches for distribution
4)  Resource packs and online activities for families, children, and young people
5)  Christmas Hamper Appeal
If you are interested in partnering with ENYP please contact

Keith Morris, 03/11/2020

Published: 03/11/2020
Keith Morris