The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

NorwichCathedralChoirConcert(cMidnight Services 

There are lots of midnight services on December 24 at Norfolk Churches, including at Norwich Cathedral.

The traditional service sung by the Cathedral Choir to welcome in Christmas Day and celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Norwich Cathedral: 24 Dec, 23:15 - 00:45

Photo by Bill Smith

PantoIt's a pantomime service (Oh yes it is!) 

Theatre Royal Pantomime Service
The cast of Norwich Theatre’s pantomime Aladdin, will head to St Peter Mancroft Church in Norwich to perform readings, sing carols and Christmas songs. 
23 Dec 2024, 11 a.m. for 1 hour
Venue: St Peter Mancroft, Market Place Norwich, NR2 1RD, 

St Mary MagNativity services 

 There have been wonderful costumes on parade across Norfolk telling the story of Christmas!
Nativity services have been held in schools and churches telling the story of Jesus' birth and why it is so important.

St Mary Magdalene Church at Gorleston - the church on the Mag had some cracking costumes!

Pleasaunce snowParty night at the Pleasaunce 

The Pleasaunce invites everyone to their all-age Christmas Party Night. This is described as ‘a fun way to kick off Christmas’ with live music and karaoke. Mulled wine and nibbles will be served, with alcohol-free refreshments available.

Admission is only £5 per person with children under 16 £1. No need to pre-book. For further information call  07780 664808. 

7:30pm - 9:30pm, Sat 21 Dec
The Pleasaunce, Harbord Road, Overstrand, Cromer, NR27 0PN

Sheringham carolsCarols on Sheringham Promenade 

West Promenade, Outside Salt Cafe, SheringhamCarols on the Prom with Cromer & Sheringham Brass Band - A joyful Christmas celebration. Salt cafe will be open for seasonal refreshments.

7:15pm - 8:15pm, Fri 20 Dec

Business CarolBusiness Community Carol service 

The Business Community Carol service will once again be held at St Andrews Church (next to Cinema City) on Thursday 19th December at 1.05pm.  

A short service of approximately 40 minutes will enable workers to return to work for 2pm. Free refreshments will be provided and all are welcome 

christmas cross 400CFNorwich Open Christmas - still going ahead 

Usually Norwich open Christmas - an event on Christmas day for people who might otherwise be on their own - would be held at Blackfriars Hall. However, due to building work, this year it will be held at the King's Centre on King's Street in Norwich/

The Christmas celebration will run as normal from 11:00 to 17:00 on 25 December - lunch, clothes and entertainment will be freely available to anyone.

Norwich Open Christmas is a yearly event which takes place on 25 December to give people who are alone, homeless, or in need a Christmas celebration
For over 30 years, guests and volunteers have been coming out in their droves for a Christmas celebration like no other. Yummy Christmas dinner and afternoon tea, terrific entertainment, food parcels, clothing, and a warm welcome are what to expect from Norwich Open Christmas.

​This yearly event gives hundreds of people in Norwich and the surrounding area a place to have fun and enjoy themselves on Christmas Day, whatever their circumstances may be. 

More information at http://www.norwichopenchristmas.org.uk/

Little Known Treasures in NorfLittle Known Treasures in Norfolk Churches 

An event on at Downham Market.
Speaker John Vigar 
The Old Fire Station 30 Priory Road Downham Market 
Wednesday 18th December 7.30- 9pm Cost £4

Norfolk is the finest county in England in which to study the medieval church. Over 650 medieval church buildings survive, the vast majority still in use. Many demonstrate the wealth of this part of the country in the pre-Reformation period with tall towers, light interiors and buildings that would accommodate thousands.

This lecture looks at details to be found in these churches that might be missed by a casual visitor. Paintings, sculptures, stained glass and other features that might not be seen by the naked eye. Even the most visited church has secrets to discover.

John Vigar has visited every medieval church in Norfolk and is on the Advisory Council of the Norfolk Churches Trust. He regularly leads tours for groups across the county and has an image catalogue of its churches running into hundreds of thousands of pictures.


Mon 16Carols (in a heated outdoor area!) 

Aylsham Parish Church is delighted to join up with the Black Boys Public House and members of the Aylsham Band for Carols in the pub on Monday evening 16th December.
Come and join them raise funds for Cancer Research together 

Singing will take place from 5 - 6.30pm at the Black Boys Hotel

Christmas jumpers and Santa hats are optional - but bring your best singing voice!

Growkids+grott 20240905 140941Growkids Grotto in Thetford

Sunday 15th December
Growkids Grotto organised by Thetford Vineyard Church
Abbey Neighbourhood Centre, Thetford

The Growkids Grotto is a free event for families, designed to give a helping hand and a boost of joy to those who might be struggling around this time of year.

Come to the Abbey Neighbourhood Centre for a free family photo, Christmas crafts, games and snacks before visiting Santa in his Grotto and receiving a small gift. 

When you register, you will soon be contacted with a form to fill in to choose a time-slot between 10.30am and 1.30pm and let us know how many children you will be bringing so Santa can get his sack ready!

All Welcome! Sign up to receive a time-slot https://thetfordvineyardchurch.churchsuite.com/events/yw1cqwqf

chrstingleChristingle services

Christingle is a joyful celebration that brings families and communities together to share the light of Jesus and spread a message of hope. It was established by The Children's Society and is often used as a way of attracting families to churches during the Christmas season. The first Christingle service took place at Lincoln Cathedral in 1968, but Christingles themselves go back much further to the Moravian church in Germany.

Christingles are oranges wrapped in red tape, decorated with dried fruit or sweets, with a candle on the top.

Each element of a Christingle has a special meaning and helps to tell the Christian story:

  • The orange represents the world
  • The red ribbon (or tape) symbolises the love and blood of Christ
  • The sweets and dried fruit represent all of God’s creations
  • The lit candle represents Jesus’s light in the world, bringing hope to people living in darkness.
Picture above from The Children's Society

Where can I go to a Christingle service?

  • Norwich Central Baptist Church is holding a Christingle service on Saturday 14th December​ at 4pm as part of their Messy Church series. Contact 01603 321 090 or e: office@norwichcentral.org for details
  • Cromer Church (St Peter and St Paul) Church Street Cromer, NR27 9HH 24 Dec 2024, 4 pm. for 1 hour
  • Mattishall Church Tue 24th Dec, 4:00pm at All Saints Mattishall.
  • St Andrew's Eaton 21 December, 1.45-4pm Crafts, games and drama for children aged 5-11, finishing with a Christingle service in church.
  • Christingle Service for children and families at 4pm in Brundall Church on 22nd December


EncounterYouth Encounter night 

Encounter – a city-wide worship event for young people

Got a youth group with Christians and not-yet Christians? Want to bring them to something that is relevant, engaging and explains faith matters? Encounter is for you!

Packed with fun features, games, a cutting-edge worship band and guest speakers, this is not something to be missed!

Each event is held at City Gates Centre, 39 Cowgate, NR3 1SZ. It stats at 7pm with a tuck shop and games then ends at 9:30pm

The next Encounter night is Friday 13th December 

Dates for 2025 are:





To request further info and get promotional information, contact the office on 01603 620678 or email at office@norwichyfc.co.uk

Anglian Singers concert tomorrow (December 13)

Trinity URC2 24 June 2023 cropOn Friday 13 December 2024, the Anglian Singers will perform their traditional Christmas Concert at St. Andrew’s, Eaton. It will be the choir’s final concert under the directorship of John Barham and will include a number of carols written by him for the choir. John has been with the Anglian Singers for twenty-two years. He began as a bass, became the accompanist and, for the last 10 years has been our Director of Music, leading the choir from strength to strength. Please come along at 7pm, enjoy an evening of Christmas music and show your appreciation for our wonderful conductor.

We are delighted  that, from January 2025, the choir will start preparing for the summer concerts under a new conductor. We welcome requests from venues to aid their fundraising. 

shopping-mall-522619 1280Shoppers Carol Service 

On Monday 16th December at 1pm there will be a shoppers' carol service at St Peter Mancroft Church in Norwich

If you are in the city that day, or perhaps you work there, you could consider coming along or inviting a friend. A fantastic way to share the real reason for the season!

library resourcesKeep warm and well this Christmas 

Did you know that there are lots of resources at Norfolk libraries to keep people warm and well?

Pop into your local library to collect items like blankets, hot water bottles and draft excluders as well as toiletries like toothpaste and shower gel, should you or your family need them. Plus our Tricky Period initiative is still running in our libraries, where you can get sanitary products like sanitary pads and menstrual cups.

Most importantly, all items are free, with no questions asked - just pop into your local library and tell a staff member what you need.

(Please note items like blankets, hot water bottles and draft excluders are strictly one per person, and subject to availability. Please call ahead to your local library if you are after something specific and they can let you know what provisions they have).

Meet James! 

Well this is a surprise in your advent window! James - a compact and powerful relative of the Henry Hoover is something on the wishlist of local charity Hebron Housing. The charity provides accommodation to women in Norfolk, and has ambitious plans to expand over the coming months and years. If you are looking for something to donate to this Christmas, a James hoover is just what the charity needs in each of their houses. Contact Hebron Housing at https://hebronhousing.org/contact/ if you would like to help.

geert-pieters-NbpUM86Jo8Y-unspSports ministry in Thetford 

Did you know that The Sports Factory runs sessions in Thetford as part of their sports ministry?
This new ministry is organised by Thetford Team Ministry in the town. There are mobility sessions on Mondays and Fridays in the day time. and HIIT (High intensity) sessions on Monday and Friday evenings. 

All taking place at Abbey Neighbourhood Centre, Thetford, IP24 1EE

If you have any questions please contact Susie Bratby on susie.bratby@thetfordteamministry.org.uk or 07778160037.

Follow Grace Church on Facebook to stay up to date with all our events and sessions!

What is the Sports Factory?
The Sports Factory are passionate about sharing sport with people. They want to see lives changed as a result of engagement with sport, faith and the church. They run holiday clubs, community events, schools work, sports coaching academies, social sport, detached sports outreach, activities with the football cage and work with disengaged young people

Prayer for the Day 

A prayer for the Norfolk Christian community



Fol swaffham
Family fun in Swaffham 

Book your space at Christmas Family Fun Time with Fountain of Life Church on Saturday December 14.

This year the event is happening at The Barn, Swaffham, The new home of Fountain of Life Church, Swaffham 
Come along as a family for a morning of fun!
With Crafts, Messy Zone, Hot Chocolate Mountains, Family Games and even a Mini Arcade Zone
Saturday 14th December 
10am - 12pm at The Barn

To book your space all you need to do is complete the form online here: https://fountainoflifechurch.churchsuite.com/events/jdzxf8rj

TheWonder22x750Pray for The Wonder 

The Wonder is Soul church's musical extravaganza. The free event will be held at the church's new venue on Heartsease Lane, with an offering of more seats that ever before.
The event is expected to attract nearly 10,000 people and has been organised by 300 volunteers.

Senior pastor Jon Norman said: “We’re thrilled to welcome everyone to celebrate the Christmas season with us. The Wonder is our gift to the people of Norfolk – a joyous, uplifting experience for the whole family." 

The event will take place at 7pm on Friday, December 13 and 11am, 2pm, and 5pm on Saturday, December 14 and Sunday, December 15.

The event is free to attend but people are encouraged to reserve their seats at thewonder.org.uk
Please pray for this event and the people who will attend as they hear about the Good News of Jesus

PXL 20231201 101320720.MPGet involved in St Martins street collection 

Norfolk-based homelessness charity St Martins are holding their annual street collection in Norwich city centre throughout December up until Christmas Eve. When you see the volunteer collectors out and about please give generously - they accept cash and card payments.

All donations will go to the work of St Martins who support people out of homelessness and into independent living. The charity has outreach work, hostels, move-on accommodation as well as supporting people in their own homes to prevent homelessness.

If you would like to volunteer to collect you can sign up here: https://stmartinshousing.org.uk/help-us/fundraising/collect/

Norwich foodbank appeal24Donate to Norwich foodbank (or your local foodbank) 

In the run up to Christmas please think about donating items to Norwich foodbank from their shopping list or donating online
Norwich foodbank is grateful for donations, especially this time of year.
Thank you [💚]
Norwich Foodbank Christmas Appeal
Donations can be brought to the warehouse at Ivy Road, Norwich NR5 8BF

OperationChristmasChild750Operation Christmas Child 

Operation Christmas Child has been collecting and delivering shoebox gifts—filled with school supplies, hygiene items and fun toys—to children worldwide for three decades. Since 1990, the project has collected and delivered more than 200 million gift-filled shoeboxes to children in more than 160 countries and territories.

Mark and Debra Watkins, are Church Relations and Community Relations team members with Operation Christmas Child in Norfolk. They have been calling on churches and families in the Norfolk area to pack more shoebox gifts than ever before for the Samaritan’s Purse project, which is committed to its mission of reaching millions of children across the globe with the Gospel. 

card shop
Charity Christmas card shop  

The Original Norwich Charity Christmas Card Shop is hosted in St Peter Mancroft Church and stocks cards from over 20 charities, many of them local.
Every penny of the money raised through the sale of the cards goes to the corresponding charity.
The shop is open Monday - Saturday 10.45am - 3pm and is run entirely by volunteers.
The shop will be open until 14th December. 

Advent Calendar December 2024

A spotlight on the Norfolk Christian Community

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk