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Matthew Project lockdown challenge raises £3k 

Supporters of the Matthew Project in Norwich have raised over £3,000 for the Christian charity by taking part in a 21-day lockdown challenge to give something up or take up a positive activity.

CEO, Andy Sexton, said: “We have raised £3062 so far, which is almost £1000 more than our target. It is great to have this support for people who are struggling during this time of lockdown with substance misuse issues.

“It is so hard to stay clean and sober. But now it is even more difficult with the Covid-19 lockdown. People count their sobriety in days. Each day is a victory, and with each passing day it becomes slightly easier.
“Today, the Matthew Project provides support and community for over 500 children, young people, and adults including veterans who are affected by substance misuse issues and/or mental health issues. During Covid-19 we are just doing it in different and creative ways.”

Staff member Miranda (pictured above), decided to running 5k every day. She said: “The Matthew Project is a great charity that helps those that struggle with their addiction and those that are affected by it too. I have made friends with some of our members and wanted to do something positive for them. I wanted them to know that I still care even though there is this pandemic.
“About eight days into the challenge I had the first signs of struggling to run 5kms each day. I was finding it difficult to stay motivated and also to squeeze in the time to do it. The motivation came from friends and family. They believed in me and it pushed me to carry on. It also came from those that sponsored; seeing the amount of money raised creep up towards our target and beyond it. This then became something I really wanted to achieve for myself.”
You can still donate to the challenge at:
Pictured above is Matthew Project staff member Miranda.

Keith Morris, 27/05/2020

Published: 27/05/2020
Keith Morris