The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

New church planting venture in South Norfolk 

A new church planting venture by the English Reformed Church, in the former Methodist Church in Attleborough, is due to hold its first meeting on September 29.

The proposing pastor is the Rev Dr Alan C  Clifford who retired as the pastor of Norwich Reformed Church in 2022 at the age of 80 after 28 years.
The church plant is called the  Reformed Methodist Restart, but is nothing to do with the Methodist Church, merely meeting in its former building, which was last used for worship two years ago. It is now owned by Independent Family Funeral Director, Andy Free, based in Attleborough, from whom the venue is being hired.
A service of divine worship will be held on September 29, at 4.30pm and the church can be found at High Street, Attleborough, NR17 2BT. 
You can watch Dr Clifford announce the launch here.

Dr Clifford has regularly hit the headlines during his 53 years of preaching the Gospel on the streets of Norwich, with his outspoken views on Islam, on Norwich Gay Pride and on freedom of speech issues.
The banning of his Christian bookstall from Hay Hill by the city council after it promoted anti-Islam material, led to a controversial English Defence League march in Norwich city centre in 2012, which was opposed widely across the local Christian community.

Read more about Dr Clifford on Network Norfolk

Pictured above is the former Methodist Church in Attleborough and below Rev Dr Alan Clifford.



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