The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website


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When it’s time for a leap of faith

Rev Ron Skivington urges us not to hold back from taking bold actions if we believe they are God’s will.

When I was asked to write this article my initial thought was “Do I really want to?” and then “What would I write about?” However, going to a family night out in Norwich, due to closed roads I ended up parking somewhere I have never done before. Walking into the city I passed a large graffitied message on a door “Is it being scared of making a fool of yourself that’s holding you back?”
“I wonder who that was written for?” went through my mind and I thought no more about it until I woke up early next morning with it in my head, and realised it didn’t matter who it was specifically for, it was relevant to me and this article.
Was my reason for not wanting to write because people might not agree with me, or that some may think the articles not very relevant or dynamic, intellectually challenging or spiritually deep enough? Was I reticent to say yes at some level due to thinking what if I make a fool of myself?

So here it is as a question for you reading this - whoever you are, or wherever you are in your relational journey with Jesus. Are you holding back from perhaps making a decision to put your life in Jesus’ hands? Are you held back from doing something that has been bubbling in your thoughts for a while, that makes you wonder “Does God want me to do this - to take a step of faith by volunteering for something, or to open my home to host a family, or make a gift?”
Is the reason you are holding back from doing these things because You are scared of making a fool of Yourself? Or is it because you don’t believe God is capable of helping you accomplish whatever it is you are putting off?
Whatever the reason, perhaps now is the time to place your trust in God, and take that leap. Then see what outcome He has planned.
This article first appeared in Good News for Norwich and Norfolk.
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

ron skivington

Rev Ron Skivington is Senior Pastor of Stalham Baptist Church.

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