Hardngham Age 750
Tributes paid to dynamic Norwich Methodist

Tributes have been paid to Margaret Hardingham for her prolific contributions to the community at both ends of the age spectrum.

“Margaret Hardingham’s life was not only shaped by remarkable achievement,” writes Rev Nigel Fox, “but also by a real breadth of dedicated Christian ministry, which was outworked in both the local community and through her local church.”
Originally from Lowestoft and educated in Beccles, Margaret Hardingham (29 May 1930 – 8 January 2022) was denied the opportunity of going to university and left school to work in banking. She worked her way up to becoming the assistant bank manager – a major achievement in those days, and an early indication that Margaret would achieve much in her fruitful Christian life.
Margaret met her future husband, Trevor, at a youth group at London Road Baptist Church. They were married on February 14, 1957, so beginning their 64-year journey together in faithful marriage, and in providing a loving family home for Jane and Jeremy, and also for her seven grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.
While Trevor’s work was coupled with active Christian discipleship that involved, for example, helping take Bibles behind the (then) Iron Curtain, Margaret’s own discipleship covered a different range of dedicated ministries, both in the community and in the church.
She was closely involved in the Sprowston Nursery Playgroup, and also ran the Nursery at St Christopher’s school for many years. Whilst there, she applied for and gained a Winston Churchill Fellowship award for the study of development of Under 5s. Reporting on studies made in the Netherlands, she reinvested her learning in lecturing at Norwich City College. Margaret served the community as a parish councillor and as a district councillor for Broadland. She also served on the Wherry Housing Committee.
Margaret was also a governor in five nearby schools. At the other end of the age spectrum, and with an experience gained in looking after her own mother, she was actively involved with Age UK (formerly Age Concern, as Chair of Norfolk Age Concern). Over the years, many people have turned to her for practical information when in need.
Having attended Silver Road Baptist Church at first, Margaret is remembered for so much work in her local church, ‘Wroxham Road’ in Sprowston. Besides the usual mix of mid-week fellowships and regular activities such as the Bright Hour (recently ‘Cameo’), she led a house group and was active as a pastoral visitor. Under the mentoring of the late Albert Ward, Margaret trained and became accredited as a Local Preacher, offering many years of loyal service from the pulpit throughout the Norwich Circuit.
Together with Trevor, she was active in special projects such as Mission England in 1984, with J John’s “Just 10” mission to Norwich and with the running of local Alpha courses.
HardinghamChinese280“Margaret’s unflagging dedication is perhaps best highlighted in her work with Chinese friends,” recalls Nigel Fox, “starting with the first request that the fledgling fellowship should settle at Wroxham Road in 2003 right through its growth towards formation as a local church with a full-time pastor in 2014 and its re-establishment in new premises at Bowthorpe Road in 2018.
“On Sundays and Mondays every week, she was always on hand to offer active support. Amongst other things, Margaret led some useful lessons for those wanting to learn English. Her love and care to the Chinese congregation was tireless, even when walking around the corner to meetings became difficult. Her loving support made her more than a mother or grandmother figure to her Chinese friends. Deep appreciation is perhaps best summarised by a quote from Edmond Tsui (Lay Pastor, now retired) – ‘I always say that Margaret is an angel to us.’
“Margaret loved the Lord Jesus and, as a dedicated Christian, she has been a blessing, and many have been blessed through her ministries.”
Pictured above is Margaret Hardingham during her time as chair of Age Concern Norfolk, pictured with William Coe (image: Archant). Centre is Margaret with members of the Chinese Methodist Church (seated to the right of the Chinese pastors).

Eldred Willey, 08/02/2022

Published: 08/02/2022
Eldred Willey