The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norfolk church's bursaries for young missionaries

The Way church in Hunstanton has created a bursary scheme to help Christian students in Norfolk get experience of foreign mission. Gordon Tanner reports.

At The Way Christian Fellowship in Hunstanton have been considering how to serve the town, and the age ranges where we have some activity. We saw there was a gap in the 18-30’s age range.

So we have established a bursary scheme aimed at providing assistance to students wishing to further their Christian experience by involvement in Christian mission. There will be two bursaries available each year, one for £2000 to assist a student who wishes to spend at least six months working with an overseas mission, the other for £1000 to assist a student who wishes to go for a shorter time to a recognized mission training programme which will include practical mission experience.

Applicants should be aged between 18 and 25 years old at the proposed date of departure.

Applicants are responsible for all arrangements for their itinerary. The Way may be able to help with placement with a mission organisation. While the Way will not organise the trips we would wish to agree any plans made for the trip to ensure the intention of the bursary is being met. 

Applicants are responsible to provide proof that, with the bursary included, they have funds available to cover the cost of the trip. The Way will provide 80% of the bursary at the time of the successful applicant booking their travel. The remaining 20% will be paid when the person is at the mission base.

Applicants are expected to provide a reference from their church leader. 

Successful applicants should be prepared to come along to The Way for a couple of Sundays before they go so they can meet the people supporting them, and so that The Way can get to know them a little. We’d like a regular report of their activities, and a report in person at the end of their trip. Beyond that, we are putting no obligations on the applicants in regard to any relationship with The Way, though we would want to remain friends.

Applications, in writing, should be submitted to The Way CF, Downs Close, Hunstanton, Norfolk PE36 5HU by March 31 for the bursaries for the year starting  September 1. Enquiries can be sent by e-mail to info@thewaycf.org.uk.

Eldred Willey, 17/12/2020

Eldred Willey
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