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Resurrection Sunday means there is hope

Ruth Lilley reminds us of the significance of Easter Sunday, and what Jesus achieved when he rose from the dead.

On Easter Sunday, I got up particularly early and, along with my eldest daughter (who was not so keen to be up that early!), I joined with others on St. James’ Hill to celebrate Resurrection Sunday. We shared a short service. As the sun rose brightening up the early morning, and encouraging words were spoken, I was reminded that there is always hope.
Resurrection Sunday is the greatest story ever written. The powerful reality of Jesus’ victory over death gives us hope. Jesus gave His everything to set me free – there is always hope. However dark and hopeless our situations might feel; we can choose hope because Jesus defeated death. The tomb was empty because the Light of the World had risen to life. 
We have the privilege of living through Good Friday, already certain of the hope of the Resurrection. For Jesus’ disciples, friends and His family, those two days must have been dark and hopeless, possibly full of fear. Yet, for us, we can always choose to stand in victory.
We might be going through a difficult season, or maybe a family member or a friend is struggling. We only have to look at the news headlines to read of heartbreak and despair. Currently, there is great division within our government. Yet, without dismissing the pain and the hurt of these situations, the Resurrection of Jesus gives hope.
The hope that we find in Jesus, the Light of the World, can be spoken into and over every single one of the difficult and dark situations that we face. We can journey through our own Good Fridays and Easter Saturdays in the hope of Resurrection Sunday.
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3 (NIV)
God, through Jesus, has graciously given us hope. Hope that is sure and steadfast. Hope that can always be seen when we choose to look for it. I know it is possible to walk through Good Friday and Easter Saturday, whilst holding on to the hope of Resurrection Sunday. To find the God-given strength to lift my gaze and grasp hold of the hope we have in Jesus.
God is always good, God is always doing good, yet there are times when we may not feel this truth. However, by standing on the hope of Resurrection Sunday, we stand with the Light of the Son rising over all that we are – there is always hope.

The image above is courtesy of https://pixabay.com



ruth starkings 150CFRuth Lilley is the family worker at Meadow Way Chapel in Hellesdon. She also enjoys writing, and writes a regular blog called ‘With Every Sun Comes A New Day.’

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