The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Great Ryburgh church 640AT

Great Ryburgh Church project gets share of lottery cash 

2017: St Andrews church in Great Ryburgh is one of three Norfolk groups to take a share in a Lottery hand-out amounting nationally to £1.6m.

The £8,950 awarded to St Andrew’s Church will be put towards the Gas House Project, which will see a disabled-access lavatory built, and a hedge planted around a car park area near the church. The whole project is estimated to cost around £112,000, and churchwarden Anne Prentis said she hoped they could start construction by April next year. Read more about this here.
Visit http://www.standrewsgreatryburgh.org.uk/
A further £9980 has been awarded to the Memory Lanes - Living well with Dementia project run by Sheringham Dementia Friendly Community (DFC). Sheringham DFC’s current projects include working with PCSOs to develop a leaflet for residents and visitors to the town who become disorientated, putting together a directory of everyone in the area living with dementia, and running ‘Mindercise’ physical exercise and social activity groups at the Lighthouse Community Church every Wednesday from 12.30pm.
Liz Withington, Sheringham DFC secretary, said they wanted to build on what they had already started in the community and help make the whole of Sheringham dementia-friendly. The aim was to encourage businesses and community groups to be dementia accessible so that people can continue to live with dementia for as long as possible in their own community.
Visit https://www.facebook.com/SheringhamDFC/
Dilham Parish Council was the third group to receive a grant for community projects.
The image of St Andrews Church is courtesy of http://www.norfolkchurches.co.uk
This article is based on a report in the North Norfolk News.

TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

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