The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Aylsham shoebox appeal 600CF

Norfolk volunteers packing shoeboxes for needy 

Volunteers across the county from Christian charity Samaritan’s Purse expect to send over 9000 shoeboxes of gifts to children in need around the world in the run up to Christmas.

Operation Christmas Child is the largest Children’s Christmas Project of its kind in the world, and last year the UK sent an incredible 900,008 shoeboxes of gifts to children in need around the globe.
shoebox logoSamaritan’s Purse has been running Operation Christmas Child (OCC) since 1993, and the impact on children’s lives is immeasurable. Nick Cole, Director of Operation Christmas Child in the UK shared about his team’s passion.
“There is little that brings us as much joy as seeing the smile on these children’s faces. So often they have little or nothing. Receiving an unconditional gift, lovingly packed by a volunteer in the UK is a fantastic way to share the true meaning of Christmas with them”.
Emma Fawcett – OCC  Eastern Regional Manager says “In Norfolk, the shoeboxes are processed at 3 sites -  Aylsham, Norwich and Dereham, all staffed by volunteers. Norfolk is aiming to export a full lorry of boxes this year which will be around 9000 shoebox gifts.” 
The project is simple to take part in;

  • Step 1: Get a medium sized shoebox and wrap it in colourful paper, attaching a label to signify it is for a boy or girl and the appropriate age group (2-4, 5-9, 10-14)
  • Step 2: Fill the shoebox with gifts, such as hygiene items and school supplies. Don’t forget the WOW item - a special gift that will really delight a child like a football and pump, a doll or cuddly toy
  • Step 3: Make your shipping donation of just £3 per shoebox online, and place the barcode generated inside the box to track which country your shoebox goes to
  • Step 4: Include a personal note or photo, and pray for the child who will receive your shoebox
  • Step 5: Drop off your shoebox at a local collection point

This year Nick Cole and his team are challenging the nation to remember that Christmas is for sharing and have shared this message in their latest heart-warming ad. The UK was recently named the “Most Generous Country in Europe” with nearly 70% of us contributing to charity. However, a further poll by Just Giving has listed the top 3 most generous towns as Bedford, Cambridge and Reading, and Nick wants to find out if this is really the case!
“We’re privileged to have tens of thousands of generous shoebox packers right across the UK and are astonished by their generosity every year. I’m certain that Norfolk and the surrounding areas are able to rise to the challenge of being the most generous place in the UK for 2016”.

Collection points for the shoeboxes opened on November 1 and will be open until November 18. You can find your nearest drop off point by visiting www.OperationChristmasChild.org.uk

or pack a box online through www.shoeboxworld.co.uk  
Visit : www.samaritans-purse.org.uk

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Norfolk volunteers packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk