The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

TimeNorfolk needs your vote

TimeNorfolk has been given the opportunity to be voted for to receive funding from the Aviva Community Fund, the charity is asking for funding to cover pregnancy loss sessions, facilitate their new infertility groups and training for volunteers.

TimeNorfolkCFTimeNorfolk has provided care and support for those facing any kind of pregnancy loss or unplanned pregnancy for over 15 years and have submitted a project to the Aviva Community Fund.

The Aviva Community Fund will finance over 362 entries across four different fund levels and four categories, spreading awards to communities throughout the UK.
Secure enough votes and a project could be entered into the Finals, where a judging panel will award the funds.

Voting opened on May 1, 2015 and is open to anyone who resides in the UK and registers on the Aviva Community Fund website, each person receives 10 votes that can be cast at any time during the voting phase of the competition up to the end of May when voting closes.

Once voting has closed, the 200 entries with the most votes in the £1,000 fund level will be made finalists, and subject to due diligence checks their submitted project will receive the funding they applied for. At the other funding levels, the projects with the most votes will reach the Finals, where a panel of judges will decide which project receives funding. 

More details about the Aviva Community Fund can be found at https://community-fund.aviva.co.uk/cms/get-involved including registration to vote.

More information about TimeNorfolk project can be seen on the project page on the Aviva Community Fund website

Previous Network Norfolk articles on TimeNorfolk can be seen here

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