The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Matthew Project needs your vote

The Matthew Project Youth Team has entered a project into the Aviva Community Fund and they need your vote to secure a place in the finals. 

Matthew Project Comm Fund 1The Aviva Community Fund will provide a trained Matthew Project young people’s worker to deliver over 200 sessions, educating over 3000 children and young people across Norfolk. Schools and community groups will be offered coaching with resources. If further support is required The Matthew Project already has funded specialist services, across the county offering one to one support to young people and adults, including those affected by someone else’s substance misuse. 

It is vital that children and young people have the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions. The Matthew Project are able to expertly educate children and young people on drugs, alcohol and other related issues which will give them the skills and knowledge to make these decisions. 

The Matthew Project needs your support to ensure that this and future generations of children and young people in Norfolk receive life-saving education. 

Please vote for them to ensure this happens. 

To see the Matthew Project video and to vote please go to: www.aviva.co.uk/community-fund/ the vote is open for the month of May 2015 

To submit a story or to publicise an event please email: web@networknorwich.co.uk