The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

Norwich Cathedral unveils education centre

CathedralHostry2009: Norwich Cathedral unveiled its new multi-million pound Hostry on November 10, the largest building project at the church in 900 years.

Blending the historic with the modern, the new cathedral entrance is home to a welcome and interpretation centre, an education workspace, a song school for the choir and a conference room.

The stylish building, with its glass walls, forest of slim oak pillars and modern stonework, harks back to the original Hostry which was a traditional point of welcome for worshippers, pilgrims and students when the monastic community was founded in 1096. It is designed to help visitors engage with the cathedral and boost donations.

Canon Jeremy Haselock, the Vice Dean of Norwich, said: “This is a wonderful multi-purpose space where our visitors will come and get a welcome and get an understanding of the life of the cathedral before they go into the cathedral itself.

“The building is historically important and practically important. We have three principles at the cathedral - worship, education and hospitality. The cathedral is the worship and the Refectory provides the hospitality and now the Hostry offers the education. It's the original medieval idea with a 21st century spin.”

Read more of the story on EDP24

Read more about the Hostry on the Cathedral website

., 11/11/2009

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