The Norfolk and Norwich Christian community website

New East Anglia Methodist chair is welcomed

The new Chair of the East Anglia District of the Methodist Church, Rev Helen Hollands, was welcomed to the role at a special service in Norwich last weekend.

The District Welcome service for Helen and her husband Roy, took place at Chapel Field Road Methodist Church, Norwich, on Sunday August 25.
Minister of Chapel Field Road, Rev Matthew Olanrewaju, welcomed the congregation including Ecumenical representatives from the Church of England and the URC, and civic leaders. The preacher was Rev Sam Funnell, who is an assistant Chair in the Methodist South East District and a friend of Helen, who preached on God's friendship to us and to each other; after Roy Hollands had read the Bible reading from the Gospel of St John Chapter 15 verses 9-17.
The Presentation was made by Rev Jonathan Hustler, the Secretary of the Methodist Conference, to which Helen responded by agreeing to devote herself to this ministry which God has called her. Ecumenical and civic leaders were invited by Rev Andrew King, one of the deputy Chairs of the East Anglia District to offer Helen their welcome, alongside District Chairs from neighbouring Methodist Districts. Prayers were led by Rev James Bamber, another of the deputy chairs of the East Anglia District, and Rev Gill Songer, a former colleague of Helen from her previous appointment in Kent.
An offering of £585 was taken for the work of the charity Action for Children.
Rev James Bamber said: “An enthusiastic congregation made up of people from throughout East Anglia engaged wholeheartedly in the service and warmly welcomed our new leader. Together we echoed Helen's commitments to watch over one another in love, proclaim the Gospel in word and deed, and be instruments of God's peace.
“Following the joy-filled act of worship, sumptuous refreshments were served by members of Chapel Field Road Church before people departed for their homes, uplifted and with renewed energy and vision to be friends of God to all.”
Pictured above is Rev Helen Hollands and her husband Roy.

Keith Morris, 29/08/2024

Keith Morris
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